Auto refreshing page

You can also tell a page to reload itself by including a META Refresh tag inside the HEAD section of the HTML page.

This is very useful if you have some kind of automated equipment that constantly changes an image (or the actual contents of the page). This technique is often used with cameras that creates an image of a place at specific intervals.

Most popular browsers supports this feature, but in order to provide compatibility with other browsers it is nice to include a link to let the reader manually reload the page.

How to use:

The HTML tag on this page that reloads the page looks like this:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="8; URL=Autorefresh.html">
and can be inserted when you create a new page or insert a new HEAD section with HTML Assistant. If you need to use it frequently, place it in the Notebook.

The CONTENT attribute contains the number of seconds to wait before loading the page followed by the URL and needs to be specified in the following format:

"8; URL=Autorefresh.html".

The name of this file is Autorefresh.html. In some browsers you may need to include the full URL (http://.....) to the page.